Join SongTub & License Unlimited Tracks
Say goodbye to copyright strikes and takedowns with our archive of 100% original, licensed tracks.
Your projects are unique and so should be your music. Sit back and enjoy our continuous stream of relevant and high-quality music.
Nobody likes wasting time, that’s why we take time to filter out the great from the not so great. In our world, we seek quality over quantity.
Unlimited downloads and usage with no fear of royalty claims or copyright infringement.
Any commercial or educational usage including all digital and broadcast. Yep, that’s right! Your single subscription license covers your project carte blanche in perpetuity.
Subscriptions are billed at $9 per month (billed annually at $108) or $12 per month billed monthly.
Yes, annual renewals and monthly subscriptions can be cancelled any time.
SongTub artists receive 40% of our revenue right off the top, period. We split revenue between artists based on a percentage popularity download system.
Acoustic Spring